The final format for A Life of Worship was originally to be a book rather than a blog. Right now, the articles in this blog are not presented in any logical order (so if you were wondering why my children were toddlers in one post but then teenagers in another… now you know!). The following is my attempt at rearranging these articles in a manner that make more sense if you were to read them “cover-to-cover”:
Who is God and what is man?
- Holiness and Hypertension
- The Pinky of God
- Why Animal Sacrifices?
- Don’t Stare at the Sun!
- Of Love and War
- The Real Truth!
- What is Man?
- I Want To Want Thee!
The Incarnation (Christmas)
- God’s Initiation
- Quotes On The Incarnation
- For Unto Us A Child Is Born
- Labor Pains
- Holy Cow!
- Deafening Silence
- Rachael’s Tears will be Herod’s Fears
- Humble Beginnings
- Steak or Roadkill?
- Angels & Shepherds
- A Glorious Light Has Dawned
- Leaping And Dancing
The Cross and Resurrection
- When I Survey
- Using Two Guitars to Play Hymns
- The Curtain Tore!
- “Love Letters”
- The Opening of Scripture
- Justified by Faith
- Was Lost Then Found
- Of Lawns & Lavender
- Death is Dead!
Sanctification (becoming more like Jesus)
- 100% Guaranteed
- A Love Song
- A Vision Statement
- Spiritual Deltoids
- A Pillar of Fire
- Spiritual Tickles
- Unanswered Prayers
- In The Potter’s Hands
- The Faith of Abraham
- Out of Bed!
- Keeping “Atomic Time”
- Food, Photosynthesis, and Floodlights
- Where No Man Has Gone Before
- Perfect Submission… Perfect Delight!
- Predestination, Election, and Sovereignty
- The Role of Reason and Faith
- Using the Bible for Evil
- How To Interpret The Bible
- What is Worship?
- The Purpose of Praise
Glorification (our future hope)