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Where No Man Has Gone Before…

“He has set eternity in the hearts of men.” -Ecclesiastes 3:11 A EUPHEMISM IS DEFINED in the dictionary as “an expression which substitutes for one considered too harsh, blunt, or......

Quotes On The Incarnation

The incarnation is a fancy theological term which simply means “God made flesh”. It is one of the core tenants of Christianity, and without this fundamental belief a person cannot......

Leaping And Dancing

Leaping And Dancing The ark of the Covenant represented God’s presence with the nation of Israel. In a way, the ark was God’s “incarnation” with His people. So when the......

How to Interpret the Bible

“We are to believe and follow Christ in all things, including his words about Scripture. And this means that Scripture is to be for us what it was to him:......

Rachael’s Tears will be Herod’s Fears

THE CHRISTIAN LIFE models after the Christmas story in both the good and the bad. Although there was great joy and celebration with the angels, shepherds, and Magi about the......

The Purpose of Praise

“A man can no more diminish God’s glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, ‘darkness’ on the walls of......