“He has set eternity in the hearts of men.” -Ecclesiastes 3:11 A EUPHEMISM IS DEFINED in the dictionary as “an expression which substitutes for one considered too harsh, blunt, or......
WHEN JESUS WAS WALKING this earth, the Bible records that he displayed a diverse range of human emotions. He cried in compassion with the mourners before he went to revive......
SOME CHILDREN are “good eaters” and others are “bad eaters.” My kids happen to fall into the latter category. I am always amazed that, whenever they are placed on a......
Family doctor, husband of patient wife, father of four, owner of one dog, Christian, Protestant, Evangelical, Reformed, and lover of all roller coasters. I'd like to live as long possible to leave a legacy for my children, but alas I eat too much chocolate, pies, and cookies... so I'd better quickly get back to writing.